Gain better search in the lucrative and extremely competitive ‘Maps Pack’ at the top of Google Searches. These are the results that drive website visits and purchases from purchase-ready users on their mobiles.
We start with a complete visibility test of your business in Google Maps across dozens of search terms that your customers search with. You’ll get a visual map of what position your business shows up at 5-mile intervals from your location.
Along with the map, we show you what positions your competitors are showing in, and what they are doing differently to get to their positions.
We take this information and then perform an examination of additional Local SEO factors that Google looks for when ranking sites in the local maps listings. After completing the examination, we create the ‘prescription’ for what needs to happen to bring you more visibility in the local search results – and ultimately to bring more clicks to your website.
You can give the prescription to your team, or we can give you an estimate to do the work right away.
Make sure to be the first in your market region to go for this package, because to avoid conflict of interest, we only provide our services to one business per market.
Price: $250
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